Have you had surgery recently? Do you have pain and swelling? Then this article is for you.

What is Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase is is a proteolytic enzyme produced from the bacteria of silkworms. It is an all natural product. Some alternative medicine proponents claim that serrapeptase is beneficial for pain and inflammation. It is often recommended by surgeons as a faster way to recover from major surgery, which generally causes pain and swelling inside the body.

After I had major surgery I took serrapeptase to reduce the pain. I could tell a difference, but I am pretty sure the difference was that the swelling went down, which relieved the pressure on my stomach, where the surgery was. My doctor had told me that serrapeptase is an anti-inflammatory, and it turned out to be true. I recovered much quicker from my second surgery after taking the serrapeptase, then I did from the earlier surgery where the natural remedy was not used.